Well, it rained last night. Rained pretty well. Here in East Texas we needed it pretty bad. Hopefully it rains more tonight. This rain will also, hopefully, solve my problems with chlorine. I have 3 55 gallon drums set up next to the gutters of our house. I was able to collect about 140 gallons of rain water last night. So I spent the morning dumping out the fish killing water and resupplying my tank with rain water. I used rainwater once but it was so full of algae it wasn't any good. This time it's pretty clean and I plan to keep the tank away from sunlight to avoid algae buildup.
The rain solved one of my problems, but alas, I have one more to contend with. I've had this problem from the beginning but haven't put much effort into solving it until I had the water situation figure out. Well, now it's time to solve it. My automation isn't going to work the way I want it to. The float I purchased can't be set to turn the pump off and on when I want it to. I can set it to turn the pump on when it's full, but by the time the float turns it off I'll have way too much water in the beds. I can set it to turn off right where I want it but it won't turn back on. I've fiddled with it for a few hours and have come to the conclusion that I need a different style float. I was trying to go cheap and now this is the price I pay. Hopefully I can use the float I have in a different application on the next system I build.
I also plan to build a filter using activated carbon to filter out chlorine in my water. I got the idea from a response to a post I put on DIY Aquaponics. I have the design figured out, and it shouldn't cost too much to build. If the activated carbon can filter out the chloramine in my water, I can use the hose in the future. For now I have enough water stored in a 55 gallon drum to do any topping off I need for a while.
The rain also did one more thing. It helped the trees around here to drop a TON of leaves. I'm gonna spend some time this week raking and blowing leaves onto a new compost pile. This compost pile will be HUGE by the time I'm done with it.
Composting too? I am living vicariously through you!!!